I turned 52 yesterday…yikes. I used to think people in their 50s were lame and already had one foot in the grave. Well, now I’m there and it happened in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, I’m nowhere near a cemetery (she says crossing her fingers) and I’m still pretty cool – in a middle age kind of way, that is. Admittedly, I don’t let my bra straps show, I don’t have any tattoos or piercings on my face, I prefer Aerosmith to Nicki Minaj, and my goblet holds a dry Chardonnay instead of Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, but I do have my contemporary moments. My kids tell me I’m […]
Read more...Tag Archives: stress
A Slippery Slope
Last night I enjoyed an abbreviated game of Bunco with a group of friends. Unfortunately the aura of an impending migraine came on and I had to pop an Imitrex and leave early. I felt pretty sorry for myself; I had been looking forward to getting together with the ladies for a long time. It was a dismal night of freezing drizzle in rural Minnesota. As I headed out to my car, head pounding and stomach lurching, I steadied myself against the vehicles lining the driveway to prevent myself from taking a flop on the ice. The drive home wasn’t too precarious until I reached our township where the roads are poorly […]
Read more...Recession Proof Your Marriage
The economic crisis in this country is affecting more than just our jobs and mortgages; it’s affecting our relationships too. According to mental health counselor, Dr. Gregg Jantz, during times of extreme stress, people often lash out at those closest to them. “Fear is everywhere,” says Jantz “and fear coupled with anxiety is toxic to any relationship.” Join us at noon (CDT) on March 19th as Dr. Jantz offers suggestions on how to nurture your relationship during these nerve-racking days. Gregg Jantz is a certified eating disorder specialist, certified chemical dependency counselor, a nationally certified psychologist, and a licensed mental health counselor. He is the author of seventeen books including […]
Read more...The Frazzled Female on GOD UNPLUGGED
The Frazzled Female Syndrome — Do you have it? Are you stressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, frustrated, and just outright exhausted to the core? Has your juggling-act unraveled leaving you a lifeless mess? Maybe you’re burning the candle at both ends in relation to a job, your marriage, housework, children, finances, an illness, your parents, or some other relationship. Maybe it’s some of that, all of that, or none of the above, and you’re just inexplicably on-the-go all the time, putting out fires and missing out on the joy of life. Whatever the case, only God can bring true, unfailing resolve and stability to the messes and stresses that a woman endures. […]