In The Wolf Den, author Elodie Harper brings to life the brutal and unforgiving world of Pompeii’s notorious brothel. Amara, once the cherished daughter of a Greek doctor, is sold into slavery by her mother, and is now a prostitute.
Despite her circumstances, Amara finds solace in the bonds she forms with the other women in the brothel. Together, they navigate the dangerous streets of Pompeii, dreaming of freedom and a better future.
The narrative is engaging, and Amara’s strength and resourcefulness make her a character worth rooting for. However, the book’s explicit depiction of sex and violence makes it a tough read for those who prefer gentler stories. The portrayal of the brutal reality faced by sex slaves during that era is probably accurate, but it can be overwhelming and disturbing.
There are moments of inauthenticity that took me out of the story, such as the use of British slang that wouldn’t have existed in 74 AD Pompeii. The book offers a heartbreaking glimpse into the lives of women experienced horrors beyond my imagination. 3 stars.
** Thanks to the publisher for a comp of this title. The opinions expressed are my own.