Total Power is my 19th installment in the CIA super-agent Mitch Rapp series created by fellow Minnesotan Vince Flynn. Since Flynn’s untimely death in 2013 of prostate cancer, author Kyle Mills has taken the helm. The Mitch Rapp saga isn’t as good, but these thrillers still have great storylines and are fun to read.
In Total Power, Mitch captures ISIS’s top technology expert while he is on his way to meet a man who claims he can take down the American power grid. Despite the Agency’s best efforts, the terrorist accomplishes that very thing; computers and communication networks crash, fuel doesn’t flow from gas stations, water and sanitation systems are on the brink of collapse, and the supply of food is running out.
It could take months, if not years, to get the power up and running. Rapp and his team of extraordinary heroes embark on a mission to find the only people who can repair the damage and prevent ultimate chaos from collapsing the nation… the terrorists, themselves.
This is an absorbing story about what would happen if terrorists took down the power grid… a frightening thought, to be sure. How would the American people cope without their gadgets? I appreciate Mills’s writing style; he is a storyteller who doesn’t try too hard to build flowery sentences. The book was good, but the ending was too abrupt. Will I read #20 in the Mitch Rapp series? Probably, but this one only gets 3 stars.