My husband and I have been together for thirty years (wait… what in the world?) and during that time we have experienced many valleys and mountain tops in our relationship. We struggled the most when we didn’t spend time together. Many couples feel like two ships passing in the night… radar might indicate there’s another vessel out there, but they can’t see or hear one another. In fact, they may be on a collision course without even knowing it. The pace of our lives has become frantic—climbing the corporate ladder, raising overscheduled kids, trying to be the volunteer of the year—it’s no wonder we have precious little time for our spouse. Good […]
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Recession Proof Your Marriage
The economic crisis in this country is affecting more than just our jobs and mortgages; it’s affecting our relationships too. According to mental health counselor, Dr. Gregg Jantz, during times of extreme stress, people often lash out at those closest to them. “Fear is everywhere,” says Jantz “and fear coupled with anxiety is toxic to any relationship.” Join us at noon (CDT) on March 19th as Dr. Jantz offers suggestions on how to nurture your relationship during these nerve-racking days. Gregg Jantz is a certified eating disorder specialist, certified chemical dependency counselor, a nationally certified psychologist, and a licensed mental health counselor. He is the author of seventeen books including […]