February Wacky Word Winners!

Congrats smiley face


Hey Wacky Word Players!

It’s that time again when I announce last month’s Wacky Word of the Day Winners! There were sixty-five entries between Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+ … you all made some amazing sentences using the wacky words I post each day. They were so fun to read!

To make it fair, I put the entries in a lovely green bowl (my favorite color) and randomly reached in. Here’s who I pulled out:


Congratulations! To redeem your prize, visit my website, www.amyhagberg.com, and take a peek at my books. Then select the title you’d like, send me an email with your mailing address, and voila — it will magically appear in your mailbox a week or two later!

Thanks so much for playing. There are still a couple weeks left in March, so get cracking on those wacky sentences!

(BTW, if you want to follow me on various social media sites, visit my website and click the buttons on the home page.)

Until next time,




Posted in Wacky Words.