Do Prenuptial Agreements Doom a Marriage?

I recently interviewed a Christian attorney on my show, GOD UNPLUGGED,   who had some amazing things to say about how Christians should view the law.  One of the things we discussed is the prevalence of prenuptial agreements with engaged couples.  Do you think they are a good idea, or do they pave the way for a couple to land in divorce court?

I guess I’m old fashioned. When I stood in front of 300 people and before God during our wedding, I was serious about my vows.  Til death do we part isn’t just a trite phrase in a book.  Marriage isn’t a silly, “Go the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel” for a quicky – it is a lifelong covenant between two people and God.

Creating a prenuptial agreement opens the door to the possibility of divorce.  Before a marriage is even consummated, two parties meet separately with their own attorneys and draw up a legal document that stakes a claim to their legal property.  What happened to “the two shall become one?”

If a fiancee is so concerned about their partner getting a piece of their property in the event of divorce, perhaps they shouldn’t marry at all.

What do you think?

By the way, if you want to check out the interview I recently had with Christian attorney Stephen Bloom, the author of <i>The Believer’s Guide to Legal Issues</i>, click on this link:

If you listen before November 19th, be sure to leave a comment and rate the show so you can enter the drawing to win a copy of “The Believer’s Guide to Legal Issues.”

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  1. I love it that you used the word covenant, that is the way that my husband and I view our marriage. To think that we were 18 and 19 years old when we married, 2 very young kids, but we were crazy in love, and soon after we’d met we just knew, we just knew that we were to be together. Through our nearly 26 years of marriage we’ve had many rough times, God is good, we persevered, and stayed together, remembering our covenant. I’ve shared this before, but at our last wedding anniversary which was our 25th, I thought about how my thinking has changed from when we married, no longer do I think about what can he do to make me happy, etc., instead I think about how grateful I am for him. When you are grateful for something, you treasure it, you care for it, because it is so very precious to you.
    In answer to your question, no, I don’t believe in a prenuptial agreement. The agreement I do believe in is the binding covenant that a husband and wife make before God.

  2. That’s a great way to put it. When we are grateful for something we do truly treasure it. Love is a very precious thing and it should not be disposable.

  3. “If a fiancee is so concerned about their partner getting a piece of their property in the event of divorce, perhaps they shouldn’t marry at all.”

    I, too, am a dinosaur in thought! Imagine that–believing that marriage is a covenant….for life!

    However, that being said, I must admit that since the challenges of watching our adult (vulnerable) adult son date less-than-ethical women, my husband and I have discussed the necessity of a prenup.

    I think the difference lies in the matter of the heart. If two people come together, both walking with God, both striving to grow in maturity that includes a moral compass, ethics, values and absolute truth–a “fail safe” isn’t required.

    When two people come together without these things, it seems a shame that there would be a monetary reward for such lack of character.

    It’s difficult to explain in a short format–suffice it to say, I agree with you 100% when both people understand the TRUTH of God’s plan for our lives.

    Living in a post modern society, the occurence of prenup’s or fail-safe’s is just one more way to chip away at God’s truth and plan for His people and our choice to live responsibly.

    Ideally, two people should not marry if they aren’t willing to become “one” in all matters. Culturally–we have moved away from permanence. From a parent’s perspective, we can only model what that permanence looks like and pray! pray! pray! that our adult children will do the same. We can encourage, support, guide, and enhance…but we cannot protect them from dangers that they intentionally overlook.

    • Christian marriage cneisulong, I believe, has greater potential as an active ingredient in the healing process than any other type of therapy. Why? Because marriage between a man and woman is God’s plan so it only stands to reason that the repair procedures for an unhealthy marriage could be found in His word.My wife and I went through Christian marriage cneisulong provided a trained, licensed, minister of the faith who was exceptionally gifted in using the Word of God to help couples in the reconciliation process. These are important credentials in choosing a counselor. What makes Christian marriage cneisulong effective is the willingness of the couple to truly uncover, forgive, and die-to-self. It has to be understood that none of these things are within our human ability to accomplish alone. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to facilitate the type of radical change that must take place in one’s heart, deep down inside, in order for real change to take place. You’ll know it is happening when your focus is less on what your mate is doing than what you are doing in and with your relationship with God.Fifteen years later, my wife and I are stronger than ever. Has the road been free of bumps? No. But I have heard it said that if the mountain were as smooth as glass, you wouldn’t be able to climb it. We are still living in and by what we learned in Christian marriage cneisulong. Our marriage is not about determination and resolve to make it work; its about the freedom to love one another and let the other be who they are with full faith and confidence that what holds us together is not our resolve, but trust and assurance in Jesus Christ that He is able to sustain us through any storm that might come our way.

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