TODAY’S QUOTE: Don’t Worry Be Happy

My dad was a worrywart. The poor guy fretted about everything, to the point that he was hospitalized several times for anxiety. In the practice of psychiatry, anxiety is defined as: “A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.” See what I underlined: ANTICIPATION. What gets us most is the fear about what might happen. This “awfulizing” or worst-case scenario thinking kills our joy. If we are so worried about what could happen tomorrow… or the next day… or the day after that, we can’t enjoy today. Many of us are crippled […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: Silver Living

When we get clobbered with unexpected bad news, it’s hard to find something positive in the situation. But there is almost always a silver lining. Look hard for it so you can turn your mourning into dancing.


TODAY’S QUOTE: Steven Tyler’s Sobriety

In a few hours we’ll be heading to an outdoor music festival featuring this guy. Aerosmith is the only band I have left on my bucket list. Even though the heat index is over 100 degrees, I’m ready to rock out to the music of my high school days! What recording artists are on your bucket list? Until next time, Amy


TODAY’S QUOTE: Flying high

If I could have any superpower, it would be to fly. The experience would be incredibly exhilarating and provide me with a new perspective. But if human beings were supposed to fly, God would have given us wings. Although bats and insects also fly, birds are by far more pleasant to watch. To minimize the effects of gravity, birds are as light as possible. Here are some adaptations that help make them light: Hollow bones Feathers Babies don’t grow and develop inside the mothers’ bodies. They develop in eggs. Birds eat foods that are very high in usable calories so they get as many calories as possible from a small […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: When You’re Smiling

Sometimes it’s hard to smile, but when we share a smile with someone it makes us feel so much better! Smiling creates endorphins, the brain’s happiness hormones … and the more we have of those the better! According to the latest scientific research, smiling has loads of benefits: Reduces anxiety Lowers blood pressure Drops heart rate Improves mood Enhances relationships Strengthens immune function Relieves pain And …. drumroll, please… The happiness a smile brings is equivalent to having 2,000 bars of chocolate!! You’re welcome.


TODAY’S QUOTE: Wings of Faith

A few weeks ago, this gorgeous scarlet tanager landed in a tree right outside our sunroom. It is a rare bird in this part of the country so it thrilled us to see it, especially close up. When I was looking for a quote to fit the photo, I came across this one by celebrated author and playwright, J. M. Barrie. He was a fascinating man whose life was filled with success, but also much sorrow. Barrie often took long walks in London’s Kensington Gardens, where he met the five Llewelyn Davies brothers in the late 1890s. He found inspiration for his best-known work—Peter Pan—in his friendship with the boys. […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: Your Harvest

The last time I was down visiting my daughter’s family we went strawberry picking. My grandees, who are five, two, and eight months, loved “helping.” Little Myles sat in the dirt and squished berries between his fingers and had berry juice smeared all over his face, hair, and clothing. It was a memory I won’t soon forget! I brought home almost three pounds of berries (this is a photo of the harvest) and my husband and I enjoyed their sunshiny sweetness for over a week. The whole process got me thinking about how important it is to control our thoughts; they can be dark and worrisome, or they can be bright […]



I know, I know, this is easier said than done. For those of us who struggle with anxiety and worst-case-scenario thinking, being mindful of staying in the present is a challenge. This is a conscious decision I have to make every day because I know that obsessing about yesterday, last week, last month, or last year is not only painful, it also ruins the future and the important work I have yet to accomplish. Lament less, trust more. That’s my new motto. Join me?  


TODAY’S QUOTE: Morning Gratitude

Anyone who knows me personally understands that I am NOT a morning person. I never have been, and I suspect this won’t be changing anytime soon. I have suffered with chronic fibromyalgia for nearly thirty-five years and along with the sun, mornings bring pain, stiffness, and brain fog. I never schedule a conference call or client meeting before eleven o’clock because I feel just plain stupid. But you know what? I am still grateful because each a.m. provides an opportunity to do something good with my day. And let’s face it, as I am now much closer to 60 than 50, it’s awesome just to wake up this side of […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: Trust, Live, Enjoy

Every time I think it’s time to put away my keyboard and switch out my writer’s hat for my old corporate one, an amazing new project comes along that reminds me of my purpose. I know I am on this earth to share people’s inspiring stories through the written word. What is God’s plan for you? Are you living it? Are you enjoying it? Please use the talents you’ve been given to make the world a better place.