Okay, so I’ll admit it. This challenge hasn’t started out the way I planned. I had to work pretty hard to have fun on Day 1, and Day 2 was even tougher. You see, I’m stuck in the middle of a sandwich… an ooey, gooey, responsibility sandwich, and it has seriously impacted my fun quotient.
After taking a hard fall last week, my elderly father was hospitalized for a couple of days with some broken ribs. Being 79 and unsteady on your feet is a tough gig by itself, so the social worker and the doctors thought it would be best for Dad to come home with me for a while.
I love him to the moon and back, but he’s a high maintenance kind of patient. That means I’ve spent more time with my nursemaid responsibilities than I have enjoying myself…or working, for that matter. But yesterday I did squeak out a little fun in my day. My hubby and I made some amazing enchiladas together. Of course, I could have done it myself – and the timer would have gone off much sooner – but the fun was in the process! We spent an hour in the kitchen laughing and enjoying each other’s company. And of course, the end result was positively yummy!
So that was my fun for the day… what was yours?????
I posted mine on Monday’s. However, me and Paul did make a killer Taco Salad for dinner tonight and then we sat in front of the fire and ate it. It was very nice. The rest of my day was spent with Misa, our dog. She was sick yesterday. Poor baby. She felt so much better today… she was spunky even. I played with her in the front room…. she was pretty wild. She’s as big as you are Amy… So, imagine a dog that size being wild and playful. She is hilarious to watch. She likes to use her bed as “base”. When she does a certain thing with her ball she runs to her bed and tags it and then runs back to me. She’s so smart it’s almost scary! It’s like watching little kids playing. She’s fun!