31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready

I didn’t necessarily learn anything new from The Great Disappearance, but it was a refreshing reminder of God’s promises as we approach the Tribulation. Dr. David Jeremiah’s latest book is both thought-provoking and uplifting, offering a clear biblical perspective on the next event on God’s prophetic timetable—the Rapture. This isn’t a book of fear or sensationalism. Instead, it’s full of hope and joy, guiding readers to see God’s plan unfolding and grasp the significance of prophetic Scripture. Dr. Jeremiah calls this “prophecy motivation,” encouraging believers to live with boldness and expectancy. The 31 short chapters are easy to read, each offering practical insights that connect biblical truths to daily living. […]


Attending Religious Services Helps You Live Longer

Many people go to church or synagogue because it makes them feel good, but did you know doing so on a regular basis can actually extend your life? A recent study published by researchers at Yeshiva University and its medical school, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, strongly suggests that weekly attendance at religious services reduces the risk of death by approximately 20 percent. The researchers evaluated the religious practices of 92,395 post-menopausal women participating in a national, long-term study aimed at addressing women’s health issues that is funded by the National Institutes of Health. They examined the prospective association of religious affiliation, religious service attendance, and strength and comfort derived […]