A Weekly Devotional to Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Soulfull is a gentle nudge to reorient our intentions and seek more from our one precious life. This collection of spiritual reflections, recipes, activities, and prayers acts as an encyclopedia of hope and spiritual direction. Are we truly living the life we want to live? Sometimes, but not nearly enough. Our souls crave authentic experiences, but seeking them is a challenge in our over-committed world, where we often focus more on “making it through” than “making it sacred.” We need regular soul wake-up calls and holy daily rhythms to live a life that feels good from the inside out, shines with meaning, and radiates joy. In this refreshingly original invitation […]


The Sanctuary Book Review

Sanctuary is the remarkable true story of how faith turned one lost man’s life around with the help of the rescue animals who loved him. In the small Irish village of Liscarroll, Patrick Barrett helped his family run a sanctuary for abandoned and abused donkeys. He did poorly in school and his headmaster beat him. Patrick only felt truly accepted in the presence of the donkeys and he could read their body language and communicate in ways they could understand. Falling prey to the cultural norms of life in an Irish village, Barrett had his first drink at age seven and came to depend on alcohol to numb his anxiety. At […]


Out of the Cave – Book Review

I’ve shared little of my journey with depression on my blog or social media, and I won’t get into in depth now, other than to say that it has sometimes been crushing. That’s one reason I enjoy reading so much—a good novel can whisk me away to another place, another time.   It’s time to get your life back. It’s time to stop pretending that Christians don’t get depressed. It’s time to get real with God about where you are and who’s in charge. It’s time to step forward into his light and enjoy the life he has for you. It’s time to come out of your cave. — Chris […]


A Hidden Life

Last fall I watched a gorgeous movie titled A Hidden Life about Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer and devout Catholic who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Franz, his wife, Fani, and their three young daughters lived outside the small village of St. Radegund and were important members of the tight-knit rural community. In 1943, he and other able-bodied were called up to fight for Germany. When recruiters asked him to swear an oath of allegiance to Adolf Hitler, Jägerstätter refused and was arrested and taken to prison in Linz where the most “dangerous” prisoners were housed. His family was ostracized and belittled by their friends […]


Light in the Darkness

We are living in an epic time in history, a time when fear has grabbed us by the throat and is holding fast. I’m trying hard not to obsess about coronavirus all day long, but it sure isn’t easy…. everywhere we turn there is bad news. It’s like driving past a car accident without gawking. Our only hope is to cast our cares on God’s broad shoulders because His perfect love casts out fear. Without faith, we will become paralyzed. There is still light in the darkness if we just look hard enough.



On my way into town I often take a shortcut through the countryside. On the south side of the road stood three trees, strong and proud, and oh so beautiful. The other day I drove past the property again and found this heartbreaking sight. I had to pull over to the side of the road because my tears were obstructing my vision. This fallen tree reminded me of my own brokenness. It also reminded me that I am not alone in my pain. In Psalm 34:18, David wrote these words: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I felt closer to God that day […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: The Open Door

This morning I woke up in my usual fibromyalgia fog and stumbled down the stairs to brew some java and get ready for a long day of writing. My first task is always to let out Fitzy for his morning tinkle. Imagine my surprise when I walked into the entryway and the front door was WIDE open. I was pretty freaked out. We moved out to the country for the peaceful wooded setting which means we have a plethora of wildlife, some we enjoy and some we don’t. Actually, we delight in it all (except for bats) if said critters stay in their own zone outside. All morning I have […]