TODAY’S QUOTE: Fear of Failure

When I left the corporate world after a twenty-year career in sales and marketing, my dad asked me what was next on the horizon. I told him I was going to step out of the rat race and pursue my lifelong dream of writing. He was always optimistic and supportive, but I know deep inside he thought this was a very bad idea. I’d always made good money and to start a new career at my age was risky. More importantly, he worried the failure that comes with artistic endeavors such as writing would kill my sensitive spirit. But I did it anyway. I’ve had some wonderful successes and many […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: The Beauty Within

The older I get, the more grateful I am that true beauty is within us. I have wrinkles around my eyes, my skin has lost some firmness, and brown spots dot my once porcelain complexion, but I know my true essence is in my soul.


Thank You Note From Charlie Daniels

I had the privilege of interviewing country music legend, Charlie Daniels, for my first book, How Do You Know He’s Real? He was so sweet and humble that I felt like I’d known him all my life. Even though we aren’t related by blood, Charlie and I are still in the same family, the family of God, and I can rightfully call him my brother. During our interview, Charlie shared some powerful insight into his faith: One of the hardest things for people to understand about the gospel message is that it is so simple; it’s not the very complicated thing we tend to try and make it. There is nothing you […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

Jiminy Cricket had it right when he said to Pinocchio, "Let your conscience be your guide." But the naïve and trusting Pinocchio was still led astray to the sinful Pleasure Island. The concept of conscience is prominent in most world religions including Hinduism, Zoroastrian, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism. In the literary traditions of the Bhagavad Gita, conscience is the label given to attributes composing knowledge about good and evil, that a soul gains from the completion of acts and consequent accretion of karma over many lifetimes. (Thankfully, I do not adhere to the prospect of reincarnation… this one life is hard enough!) For thousands of years, philosophers and scientists have […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: Perseverance

UGH, this is a phrase I repeat to myself nearly every day. Writing is a true labor of love, whether you write fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or songs. With every word I put down, I hope my work will capture the heart of a reader, somewhere… someday. I was in the corporate world for over two decades and began writing to make a difference. That corporate career was easier in so many ways and a fat paycheck every two weeks was fantastic, but writing is what I was born to do. Whatever it is you’re doing, whether it is work related, a commitment to diet and exercise, or volunteering for a […]


TODAY’S QUOTE: Behind Closed Doors

I have a friend on Facebook whose life seemed perfect. He constantly posted pictures of his happy family, fun get-togethers with friends, and romantic vacations. But behind the smiles was a life fraught with sadness. We all have chapters of our lives we keep under wraps. Sometimes things are not what they seem. When dealing with others, remember that we don’t always know the private hell they are enduring. Be kind. Be generous. Be Jesus.


TODAY’S QUOTE: Don’t Worry Be Happy

My dad was a worrywart. The poor guy fretted about everything, to the point that he was hospitalized several times for anxiety. In the practice of psychiatry, anxiety is defined as: “A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.” See what I underlined: ANTICIPATION. What gets us most is the fear about what might happen. This “awfulizing” or worst-case scenario thinking kills our joy. If we are so worried about what could happen tomorrow… or the next day… or the day after that, we can’t enjoy today. Many of us are crippled […]